Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tails from the Trail days 32 through 35

So due to lack of Internet and just being to darned tired when we get back to our rooms I have let the blogging slide except for the Buddy Lee Gone Wild episode.

Day 32
Upon leaving our restful and quiet time in Rancheria we headed for Whitehorse. The roads remained fair to poor most of the time with some good road conditions here and there. Arrived in Whitehorse checked into our room and I really don't understand these hotel people they see old people coming and they give us the furthest away from the elevator and sometimes try to give us rooms where we have to climb stairs. I don't do stairs anymore. Just can't. Oh well we spent the night in our room 250 miles down the hall from the elevator but he room was nice. On the 3rd floor so we slept with our window open. Walked around town a little had a nice bowl of soup and a quiche. Located the train depot so we would know where to go the next morning.

Day 33
Boarded the train to go over the White Pass. This is one of the most spectacular trips scenery wise that I have ever taken. This was my fourth trip over this pass and I still loved it. Needless to say Lee loved it too. We rolled into Skagway and you all know that story so we will just skip down to.

Day 34 where we caught the bus back to Whitehorse a 6 hour trip. We found our car still at the motel whee we had left it and DAM! nobody got tired of looking at it and wash it so it was still as dirty as when we left it and with the huge dent in the side it looks pretty pitiful. I whined a bit and they put us on the ground floor and not so far from the elevator. got a good nights sleep and was on the road by 6:45 the next morning.

Day 35
A long trip through some beautiful country. Drove up the Klondike Highway on the way to Dawson. We were under the impression that it would be a really long day traveling but we made it here in about 7 hours. Guess that was a long day of traveling but it seemed to go by pretty fast. Guess cause the scenery was just so beautiful. We are now in Dawson and the Internet here is not free. $10.50 per day. so we got it for today and are spending the afternoon just catching up on things. We won't pay for Internet anymore here and I have no clue what the situation will be on into Alaska. If we have to pay an arm and a let we will just wait till we get back to the lower 48 to post. I will just blog and not post.

That just about catches you all up on our travels. Till next time Happy Trails from Jeannie and Lee.

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