Big trouble this time!
Well Linda ya better send Helen for me cause I'll be in big trouble before we leave this motel. Let me digress for a bit (you know I never do that} Our plans to go to Yellowstone got scuttled due to bad weather and road closures. We were supposed to stay in Cody WY tonight then 3 days in the park but headed north instead. We are in Billings MT and now have a few days to stall somewhere. Called the NP reservations services, cancelled those reservations and cancelled the Cody reservation. So we decided to just make our own reservation rather than go through Here is where our trouble begins. We booked to our old trusty Motel 6. I had for gotten how crappy they really are. We have been getting huge rooms with a nice easy chair to sit in, Well Motel 6 has two beds practically jammed up to one another. They only have one straig) Motel 6 has coffee in the lobby. Big deal. I have a coffee pot. Motel 6 has Internet but ya gotta pay for it. And for only one computer for each Internet card. We have been signing on for each computer for free. This room has no place for both of to sit so I am propped up on the bed. Now is where Helen comes in. Since we can only get one connection in this room (legally) and of course Lee had his farming to do I started fooling around and I am bootlegged onto Holiday Inn's wireless. Between that and if they catch us cooking in the room I am doomed to a night in jail in Billings MT. So Helen, COME AND GET ME!
It has been a rainy yuggy day all day. Crummy driving but one good picture to share. Guess we'll hole up here for the next couple of days and do an anti rain dance. Next stop will be Great Falls MT. Room should be better. Costs a lot more.
All for now.
Forgot to mention we are in the foot hills of the Rockies and it is cold. I thing it about 45 or so. Burrrrr!

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